Who Is Jesus?
July 14, 2024 Ask a hundred people today who Jesus is, and you’ll probably get a hundred different answers. It was a similar scene to the one described in the Bible when Jesus asked His disciples who people thought He…
July 14, 2024 Ask a hundred people today who Jesus is, and you’ll probably get a hundred different answers. It was a similar scene to the one described in the Bible when Jesus asked His disciples who people thought He…
June 2, 2024 The love of God is not easily understood. In fact, we are told that we need divine revelation to comprehend anything about God’s love. To get just a little grasp of this enormous aspect of God literally…
May 26, 2024 How do you see yourself? How you see the most important person in your life sees you is a good indication of your self-image. Think of growing up and how your self-image was formed by how your…
March 31, 2024 There’s a song by the same title written by Robert Lowry that is sung at the time of the year when the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ is front and center. The first verse and chorus…
December 10, 2023 Entering the advent season brings an expectation of hope as our hearts are renewed by the thoughts of the incarnation, God manifest in the flesh, as Jesus Christ came to this world to take away our sins.…
November 26, 2023 When you hear of the hope of Christmas you must realize there are several meanings behind that expression. For many people the hope of Christmas is the warm and fuzzy feeling they recall as a child looking…
August 13, 2023 There are many questions today about what is going on in the world and how involved God is. Sometimes we get frustrated and wonder when God is going to come in judgment. A good read of 2…
August 7, 2023 God has given us insight into what He is like as He has revealed Himself in His word. The various phrases that deal with God’s shining face are great examples that depict the benefits that we find…
July 9, 2023 We prepare for whatever we think is important. Therefore, the converse is also true: if we haven’t prepared for something it’s a good indicator we didn’t think it to be that important. Amos 4:12 (ESV) — 12…