Moving Onward in Faith

person in front of waterfalls during nighttime

The Expectation from Creation

February 2, 2025 Have you heard creation speak? You may not hear an audible voice, yet all of creation is groaning, indicating creation looks forward to the day of Christ, as do believers. Romans 8:19–23 (ESV) — 19 For the…

man in black long sleeve shirt raising his right hand

Prisoners of Hope

January 19, 2025 When we think of the word prisoner, we think of incarceration or bound with chains. The apostle Paul referred to himself as a “prisoner of Christ” as he was imprisoned in Rome for the cause of Christ.…

book lot on black wooden shelf

Considering The Past

January 12, 2025 For some reason there is a growing disinterest in history which is sad for several reasons. The greatest reason for the sadness is that people who don’t care to know about the past are more likely to…

man in gray shirt sits on cliff

A Time to Sit Still

December 29, 2024 We never really cherish the thought of being told to sit still, but that is what we often need. Our minds are busy and most of us like to be engaged in doing something, especially when it…

christmas, holy bible, christianity

Star of Bethlehem

December 22, 2024 One of the all-time bluegrass favorites for Christmas is “Beautiful Star of Bethlehem” written by R. Fisher Boyce. The reference is to the star that guided the wise men from the east to Jerusalem and then from…

Minimum Daily Requirements

December 8, 2024 We read of minimum daily requirements on food containers as the manufacturer is required to list how this particular food fulfils a given percentage of what the government has determined to be a minimum daily requirement. To…

gray and black cat illustration

Who Is in Charge Here?

December 1, 2024 This is a question asked often when there is a problem, and you want to voice a complaint. You’ll find that there are many people who feel like they are in charge but they really aren’t so…

brown wooden board

What Shall We Give to God?

November 24, 2024 There’s a great question posed in the 116th Psalm as the writer considers all the benefits he has received from God. Psalm 116:12–13 (ESV) — 12 What shall I render to the Lord for all his benefits…

woman holding joy text

Motivation from Joy

November 17, 2024 What motivates you on a daily basis? Most often people look for something from the present to motivate them. Perhaps it’s the importance to provide for the needs of your family that motivates you to get up…

girl reading book

Don’t Let It Slip

November 10, 2024 What an embarrassing moment! I was recognizing some people and I forgot one person’s name and as much as I tried to sort through possibilities, I could not remember the name, so I had to admit defeat…

person holding book page with string lights

Help My Unbelief

October 20, 2024 There’s a great lesson with a promise in Hebrews 11, in which we find the example of faith in the life of Enoch which is followed by a promise and a challenge about faith. Hebrews 11:5–6 (ESV)…