The Next Great Awakening Paperback
By: Terry Slachter
In this 41-day devotional, Terry Slachter asks the question, “When will the church begin to fervently pray for the next great awakening?” and then answers the question with five Biblical and historical answers. The author takes the reader back to the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries to study the Second Great Awakening in the United States. The decades leading up to the Second Great Awakening were one of the most immoral and godless times in our nation’s history. But God moved in powerful ways to awaken the church and transform the culture beginning in the year 1800. The author highlights some of the remarkable changes that occurred in both the church and in the young nation to encourage our present generation to keep praying fervently for the next great awakening. These historical facts present the reader with the following challenge: “If God was able to move in such powerful ways in one of the most godless times in our nation’s past, why should we doubt His ability to move once again in the 21st century?”