
brown wooden board

What Shall We Give to God?

November 24, 2024 There’s a great question posed in the 116th Psalm as the writer considers all the benefits he has received from God. Psalm 116:12–13 (ESV) — 12 What shall I render to the Lord for all his benefits…

three painted rocks with words written on them

Give Thanks

November 19, 2023 Tis the season to give thanks but are you a grateful person? Do you live on ready to express your gratitude? What makes a person come across as ungrateful and what does that indicate? Gratitude for a…

US Dollar Bills

True Riches

August 27, 2023 As we live in the midst of a society who celebrates the rich and famous, we need to ask ourselves who is really the richest person in the world? Some would argue for one person or another…

boy sitting on bench while holding a book

Joy and Enthusiasm

August 20, 2023 When is the last time you thought about approaching your day with joy and enthusiasm? We are prone to express joy and enthusiasm when things go according to plan, when we accomplish our goals, or feel good.…