Please state your interest in any of the following on your communication card. Meanwhile, please pray with us on the following:
- Audio – Run sound board, record sermon on computer and upload to SermonAudio site
- Video – Record Adult Bible Study, upload video to YouTube channel, Record sermon and operate the livestream.
- Website – Website administrator
- Church app – Church app administrator
- Worship team – Additional musicians, singers, leaders, and backup piano or keyboard players
- Organization – Organize the rooms and closets in the main building and keep tidy
- Building and grounds maintenance
- PowerPoint – Prepare and operate PowerPoint slides during worship
- Sunday School – Teach and/or watch children during the Sunday School hour.
- Nursery – Additional volunteers to assist our nursery worker.
- Fellowship Lunch – Dishwashers and silverware washers.
- Sunday Evening Service – As we move forward in adding a Sunday Evening Service in January, we are looking to fill the following needs in audio board operation, nursery volunteer, and music assistance.